Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Update on the boys and summer recap

 Quinn - 3 1/2
 Jack - 19 months

The boys are a growing! They are eating, eating and eating some more! They are also taking daily naps, and often times they wake up bigger then when we put them to bed. (I kid you not!) Steve and I are enjoying the summer with our boys! Yet here we are, gearing up for fall activities now.

Quinn is starting Preschool this fall! On September 10, 2013, I will drop him off for his first day! Although I anticipate a few many tears, from him both of us, I know he will do great once he gets into the routine, and is used to his new schedule! It is two days a week, for two hours a day. It is our church's preschool,  right at our church. For this I am grateful, as I love the Christian curriculum and culture that he will be immersed into, and he will be comfortable at the location since we are there at least once a week already, for church. His teacher is so kind, and patient and loving. I know this is the right fit for him!

Jack is already 19 months old, and becoming more and more adventurous, outspoken and comical as ever!  He loves to cruise down our driveway (which is on a small incline), on one of his 'cars.' He will race his daddy or brother, and when he gets to the very bottom he swerves to the side just in time (so he doesn't go into the street!) Good job, Jack! You know the house rules! Jack sees his big brother jumping off everything, everything. So it comes as no surprise here, that my little Jack also tries (and sometimes succeeds if I don't catch him in time), jumping off steps and rocks. He is loud and he is funny. He is mimicking anything we ask him to say. Some of the words and phrases are spot on, and some aren't even close! Yet, he tries to say everything and it's adorable!

It has been a great summer. Highlights have included two trips to the cabin (one last trip is also scheduled - before summer is officially over!), Maddens Resort, a family get together at my sister and brother in law's house, numerous trips to the beach, visits with friends and siblings,The Lifetime Fitness pool, Steve's softball games, Vacation Bible School, Horse Pull, Zoo, Splash pads near home, picnics, library trips, growing a garden and actually getting some delicious produce from it! ...And the list goes on and on.

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