Thursday, September 5, 2013

Five years of marriage... letter to my husband (9/06/2013)

Dear Steve,

Here we are, five years of wedded bliss and two adorable little boys later...  What a fun ride it has been with you, since we both said 'I DO' on September 6, 2008!

I sometimes wonder, what does God have written for us in the next chapters of our lives?  I am so glad that we don't know, as the mystery keeps life fun and exciting!  And that's just how I sum up what life with you is like: fun and exciting! I do know, that I am so thankful for the importance we both place in our relationship with our Savior, Jesus, and all the blessings that shower down on us through our faith in Him. 

We know that through life's ups and downs that accompanies all human existence, we are not an exception, as we live in a fallen and sinful world.  Yet, through the good and the bad, the easy days and the hard days, we will have JOY in our hearts ALWAYS!  Joy, because we place our hope in the Lord, regardless of our circumstances. We have joy in our hearts because we are always there for each other, no matter what circumstances or emotions we might be facing!

This joy is reflected in you and I, my love. It is being passed down to our sons, as the legacy we will someday leave behind.  Steve, I am truly honored to be called your wife, and to have the privilege to raise our sons with you!
I feel that this is right where you and I are meant to be.  We are joyfully, teaching and instructing our sons to respect marriage and families, and to understand the importance of both.  To have a kind and gentle heart.  To respect life and others.  To be courageous and stand firm in their convictions.  To grow in the Christian faith and joyfully look forward to our heavenly reward, when we can see Jesus, face to face.
Celebrating two years of marriage. 9/06/2010
Welcoming our second son, Jack Steven on 1/11/2012

I remember that our wedding song we chose for our soloist to sing was called, 'Household of Faith.' Do you vaguely remember it, as I do?  We will have to pull out our old wedding video to remind ourselves of the words!  Yet, what a beautiful foreshadow the title alone is, for our present day lives. Truly, this is not a coincidence as God is the great orchestrator of our lives! 

I am thrilled to be celebrating five years of marriage with you, Steve! As we say often to each other, it just keeps getting better and better!  I have never been more in love with you then I am right now.
All my Love,

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